Excuse the Mess. #farmlife
You’re an amazing woman. Really.
Salt on this beautiful earth.
You work hard to build an authentic, joyful, and fulfilling life for yourself and your family.
But let’s be real. Motherhood on the farm can be incredibly lonely and downright messy, right?
I know because I’m living it right now.

Hey girl, I see you.
I’m Kylie, by the way.

You and I probably have a lot in common. I’m a simple rural girl living her dream life with her high school sweetheart turned farmer husband. We’ve got three adorable kids. My cooking skills are so-so (read: I won’t be a Food Network star anytime soon), my cleaning abilities are just “alright,” and sometimes (okay, more than sometimes) my kids drive me crazy!
My life isn’t perfect. But I’m beyond grateful to live it (even and especially the not-so-pretty, unfiltered parts) and confident that I’m on the path the Lord has for me.
The journey to living an authentic life.
But I wasn’t always this confident in my own skin.
While I had checked off all the boxes—go to school, marry the man of my dreams, have children, and start working on the family farm — I could feel the weight of living life up based on the “shoulds” catching up to me. Add in a devastating fire that wiped out our entire farm and a HEAVY dose of postpartum anxiety, and no wonder I found myself in the bathroom panic-texting my mom after having my third baby.
I knew right then it was time to shake off the shoulds and do something for me.
Life is far too short to live in a cycle of what I thought I should be doing. Now don’t get me wrong. I love being a rural mom, a farmer’s wife, a millennial farmer, and a Christian. But it was time to fill up my cup, chase my dreams, and live my authentic self.
Authenticity is everything to me.
Just a simple country girl
sharing the highs and lows of
life on the farm
Just a simple country girl sharing the highs and lows
of life on the farm

I love sharing my life with others walking the same path and inspiring others by watching me walk mine. Want to know what makes me smile? Seeing rural women take control of their lives and harness the power of living authentically. A woman with a full cup can serve better than one holding on to the last drop, don’t you think?
I love seeing fellow ag moms embrace their imperfections, reach out for help, and wake up each day thanking the Lord for their journey. I’m happiest at the intersection of motherhood and rural living and connecting with others on the same raw and unfiltered journey as me.

Connect with Me
I’ve told you my messy story. Now I’d love to hear yours!