Hey there!
I’m on a mission to help rural women live authentic, confident, and colorful lives.
Hey there!
I’m on a mission to help rural women live authentic, confident, and colorful lives.
Grounded in gratitude
Sharing the beauty of rural living, ag life, and motherhood.

Work With Me
Work With Me
1 | As an Event Speaker & Podcast Guest
2 | As a Community Builder
3 | As a Brand Partner

Hello from the intersection of motherhood and farming.
I’m Kylie, by the way. I’m a midwestern girl, a rural mama of three, a farm wife, podcaster, color consultant, and Christian.
I wasn’t always the confident woman you see in the photos. Like many farm moms and wives, I struggled with trying to live all the shoulds.
And now, I share my story to empower fellow rural women to break free from the shoulds and live authentically. Dream big and go after those dreams. Experience life grounded in gratitude while navigating the messiness of motherhood and rural living. You can do it! I’m cheering you on!

The REality of Rural Living
The Reality of Rural Living

Let’s be real. Motherhood on the farm can be incredibly lonely and downright messy.
I know because I’m living it right now.
Hey girl, I see you. I’d love for you to join me on my mission. I want you to know that you’re not alone in your journey. And together, we can work towards living authentically, confidently, and colorfully.
together is better
Resources for Rural Women who want to step more fully into their colorful + confident self…

together is better
Resources for Rural Women who want to step more fully into their colorful + confident self…