I had to give myself a pep-talk to write today. I have been in a funk, a really unfortunate funk. Prior to the COVID19 outbreak, life had been throwing curve balls my way at what felt like a high rate of speed. Life is funny though, just as I thought the curve balls would slow down and life would go back to normal, God laughed and here came the pandemic of 2020. In January of this year, Jordan and I experienced an early term miscarriage, our second ever. It was heart breaking and for some time, I needed God’s grace and guidance just to understand why. Yes, you heard me right. I am 1 in 4 and not have experienced loss twice. It is hard. Everyone has their own storm and God has a plan for us all. Even during this crazy time, God is guiding us, making each and everyone of us a better human being and child of God.

Now, if your’e reading this, don’t worry, it isn’t an entire post about the coronavirus – we get plenty of that on social sites and news media – instead, this post is a post written for me, to me, by me and hopefully will help you, too.

SIX things I am doing right now to ease my stress level and bring peacefulness into our home:

  1. Limiting news/media: Right now, we are overwhelmed with ALL the updates on the virus (mostly the bad, less about the good) and it is just that- overwhelming. Turn it off. It is important to stay updated on the news but not ALL.DAY.LONG. Check it and turn it off.
  2. Wake up & get ready: Today, I put a bra on (and other comfy clothes) and I also washed my face and put makeup on. It makes me feel more human and in a normal routine to be “ready” for the day. It also makes me feel prettier, which is a plus when your’e at home taking care of toddlers. Mascara = normalcy for me.
  3. Do something you want to but normally don’t have time for: I am going to watch too much Netflix/Disney+ and read a book I started last week. This break from society is going to allow me to reach my 30 books in 2020 goal! It may also add 10 pounds to my frame from all the chips I’m snaking on but lets be real, who cares about that.
  4. SELF CARE: Whatever that looks like for you. Take five minutes and do something for you. Today, I am going to paint my nails.
  5. Have a dance party: Get off your booty and move! We are doing a fun event #farmwifestrong on Instagram just encouraging us all to MOVE our bodies. But today, workout AND turn on some good tunes and just dance. I may even be getting on the TikTok train so stay tuned???
  6. Grow your relationships: Marriage/children/God… grow your relationship with them all! It is totally fine to be stressed right now, if you aren’t are you paying any attention to life right now? But lean on those that love you, and yes there are a ton of people who love YOU! My family is my rock. I have these freak out moments and between our parents and God, I am brought back down to earth feeling much more calm and comforted. Talk to someone, anyone, especially God. My favorite devotional right now is Jesus Calling. It literally speaks to me every single day. Grab one, I promise you won’t regret it! And when this all passes, and it will eventually, that little devotional will still apply to your every day. We have been reading it since we got married and it is perfect!

Last thing and I promise you can continue about your day, you are loved. Life is hard, really hard. Whether you are struggling with infertility, finances, loss of employment, COVID19, or any or all of it, someone loves you. Here is my challenge for you: SMILE TODAY! Pick up your phone and call your friends/family/loved ones and share how your feeling and tell them how much you care for them. Write a letter. Just be happy because we all have SO much to be grateful for.

This experience, every experience, is making me a better child of God, a better wife, a better mother… a better human being.

