A call to pray for farmers // Farming is one seriously hard profession – we put our all, I mean every single once of our being, into farming. We invest time, money, mental and physical effort…all the things into producing a crop or protein for everyone to benefit from. Yet, sometimes, farming is a lonely, isolating profession where you can feel like everything is at odds with you. I have received countless messages regarding the depression of their family, friends, and community members who are struggling with mental illness because of farming, and even worse, suicide. Please take two minutes out of your day to pray with me…

Pray for the farmer who has battled the weather all year who’s crop, or lack thereof, doesn’t do his countless hours of labor justice.
Pray for the farmer who sits at his dinner table after his family has gone to bed wondering how he is going to make ends meet after this harsh planting season, growing season, and now harvest.
Pray for the farmer who is tired of selling his crop for next to nothing but he contracts another 5,000 bushels because the bills are coming in faster than the grain can be hauled.
Pray for the farmer who acts like nothing is wrong while battling addiction issues behind closed doors.
Pray for the farmer who carries the burden of others on his shoulders and doesn’t feel like he can open up or talk to anyone about his problems.
Pray for the farmer who is being forced to sell his family land because too many unpaid loans have piled up and there is not enough livestock or grain to sell.
Pray for the wife of the farmer who puts the kids to bed wondering how much longer she can handle the pressures of being the shoulder to lean on when times have been rough now for two years in a row.
Pray for the children of the farmer, who don’t yet understand the pressures of farming and miss their daddy so much it hurts.
Pray for the farmer who is tired.
Pray for the farmer who just can’t take it any more.
Farming is one of the most dangerous professions in the country… and that injury/death statistic doesn’t include suicide. Pay attention to the farmers in your life, make sure they are okay. If you are reading this and it is in fact you who feels down, you are loved, you are valued, and tomorrow is another day.