Books, babies, boredom

I love to read. I have always enjoyed reading as it allows me to escape into a world of fiction, expanding my vocabulary is a super plus as well. Ever since I was young, I read above my level. In high school, we had Accelerated Reader and my “points” were...

Live together, farm together, love together

Marriages last because two people make a choice to keep it, to fight for it and to work for it. // And, on top of that, run a business together and THEN see how much you love each other…⠀⠀ Yesterday, I spent the entire 8 hours at work deciphering a collection of...

Ope, I have a YouTube Channel

Okay, I really don’t say “ope” in real life… it just felt right. TRUST. That is the single word for my “why” to starting my YouTube channel. I want you to trust farmers. Yes, I know that there is always one bad apple but rest...

Post Harvest Mini-Vacation

Harvest lasted for exactly 41 days. When written this way, it doesn’t seem like long – little over a month, no big deal. But harvest season lasted 12% of the year. So, when our niece and her team secured a spot in the Missouri Class 1 State Softball...

The faces behind the podcast

Often we get asked, “why did you start a podcast?” Simple answer: We started our podcast because we wanted to share our story to relate to other women in a similar situation as we are currently and have been through in the past. Complex answer: Whitney and...

A call to pray for farmers

A call to pray for farmers // Farming is one seriously hard profession – we put our all, I mean every single once of our being, into farming. We invest time, money, mental and physical effort…all the things into producing a crop or protein for everyone to...