It is finally October and one of the best months of the year. The crisp fall air reminds you to grab a jacket in the morning, apple cider is readily available at local market, and harvest is well under way. Amazingly enough, October is also National Pork Month and...
Farming is a team sport

Farming is a team sport

I grew up loving to play softball and basketball.  I am the truest believer of team sports – motivation, positivity, support – basically all things team oriented.  You learn how to be patient, work together to achieve a common goal and you learn how to be...

You see a fertilizer truck, I see a legacy

Father (noun): any male ancestor, especially the founder of a family or line. Can we all agree that a father is so much more than the above definition? This picture speaks a thousand words. From the day his child is born, a father takes on many responsibilities –...


Rhett is excited about the baby corn peeking through the surface! The old saying of “do as I say and not as I do” is one that Jordan and I often find ourselves saying while teaching our 3 and 1 year old new things. But when it comes to farming, we do the opposite....