I try not to post super personal stuff on our farm page but it really is who we are. This picture is from October of 2014. We had just bought our new livestock trailer and drove to southern South Dakota to pick it up. I’ve gotten some good feedback from Instagram and thought someone might relate!

Let’s talk about the two strangers below , two people I barely recognize.
These two people look like they are happy, in love. Maybe new business owners. Carefree. Independent. I don’t know who they are at this point in our life.
Because these two people today, they have lived. They have cried. They have had experiences unlike any others. They have gained two amazingly smart, beautiful children but lost one also. These two people have grown substantially as individuals and as a couple. Having children makes you selfless, giving, and more caring people. Owning your own business makes your shell harder, makes you more flexible to the ups and downs of life.\
The people below, I don’t recognize them. They are the five year ago version of US. They don’t have any idea the life they will have the opportunity to live, the joys the next five year will bring and the tears they will shed over unexplained, unexpected events that will suddenly arise.
In five more years, I wont recognize the people we are today. I can bet you one thing, though, I will look back and still feel so blessed to live the life we get to live.
I am so beyond thankful for our farm life – even when it’s I’m living the seasonal single life and markets are in the toilet.