Okay, I really don’t say “ope” in real life… it just felt right.

TRUST. That is the single word for my “why” to starting my YouTube channel. I want you to trust farmers. Yes, I know that there is always one bad apple but rest assured that a majority, I would even go as far as saying 98% of farmers work hard, care for the crop, livestock and land they are cultivating and want nothing more than to provide a safe food and a quality life for their family.
Y’all! A YOUTUBE CHANNEL – who am I? Why? What? When? All the questions – most of which I am still figuring out. About a year ago (probably longer than that), I started to tell more of our farm story – what we raise, good management practices all while sharing a little about our farming family. However, as my reach began to grow because of the podcast and Instagram, I realized that the consumer following my social media and looking to me for information about their food and farming need to know me, trust me and understand what drives our business aka our farm.
So, I took a leap of faith. My channel will include farming, motherhood, office work, maybe some cooking (lets be real, I doubt that)… and most importantly REAL LIFE of a farmer, a farm wife, a business women, a mother and more.
If you feel so inclined, you can check out my introduction video here:
The Grateful Farm Wife: Introduction

Please SUBSCRIBE and let me know what you think!