Harvest lasted for exactly 41 days. When written this way, it doesn’t seem like long – little over a month, no big deal. But harvest season lasted 12% of the year. So, when our niece and her team secured a spot in the Missouri Class 1 State Softball tournament, just three days after wrapping up harvest, we jumped at the opportunity to have a mini-family vacation. Getting to watch our niece play the best ball of her life and being crowned the #1 team in the state was such a high light, one that we will not soon forget.

Our entire family stayed in the same hotel and had the opportunity to spend some much needed face time together. But have you ever spent the night in a hotel with your two toddlers? We are hotel snobs. We don’t stay in a hotel often but when we do, we usually reserve two rooms because our kids sleep patterns are unpredictable and dictate the next days mood and agenda. This year, however, we stepped outside of our circle and rented one room for the four of us – yikes. And to much dismay, Reese was up at 2 AM with a stuffy nose. Lucky for us, she is the calmest, best sleeper there ever was and she went right back down for the night, not waking Rhett. Thank goodness. However, as we ventured throughout day two seeing Reese not getting any better, we decided to rent another hotel room for the sanity of at least one kid and one parent {aka Rhett & Jordan}. Reese slept in a big bed for the first time ever and was such a champ. She did wake with a fever but finally, after two hours, we both went back to sleep. Oh, did I mention Day Lights Savings Time was this weekend too? I was muddling around in the dark trying to figure out why my phone and the clock were different times. In the midst of the lack of sleep, the kids enjoyed the hotel pool and endless supply of apple juice in the AM – I was totally a “yes” mom this weekend.

On day three, with little rest, we packed the kids up to finish out the mini-vacation strong. Springfield, Missouri has a lot so fun things to offer. We grabbed breakfast at a local restaurant downtown called Gailey’s where I got to squeeze my cousin Meadow who attends college at MSU. After a spilled coffee, tears, lots of candy later, we took the kids to the best Bass Pro store in the state. What a country thing to love but it is the BEST. A few years ago, the Bass Pro added on the Wonders of Wildlife National Aquarium. This multi-million dollar facility offers a non-guided tour that takes you on a journey through different habitats where you get to see thousands of exotic sea creatures and other animals. We have been through the exhibit THREE TIMES and it is amazing every single time.
Should you every make it to Southern Missouri you should take the time to visit Bass Pro and the Wonders of Wildlife National Aquarium – a true treasure in the middle of America. And if you every find yourself in Northeast Missouri, be sure to drop me a note!