New boots? Sunshine? A prosperous crop this year? YES to all of the above. But what I got, and wanted, was LAND. A farm, that’s right! Jordan and I had an incredible opportunity and have been working all last fall and winter to purchase a new farm. It just so happened that the closing date fell on none other than MY BIRTHDAY! Wahoo!

Having a new baby in the house during cold and flu season (not to mention the other major illness floating around) has made us hermits and homebodies. We venture out of the house for work and groceries and that’s about it. But when the sunshine has been out on the weekends, the kids and Jordan and I have enjoyed loading up and taking our John Deere gator to our new land! What little exploring we have done already has brought so much joy into our monotonous days of being at home and allowed us to bask in the sunlight and breath in the fresh air. Win-win all around.
Buying ground is an investment. A big, daunting, expensive investment. But we did it and we are so excited for our farm and our family.
Building our legacy one memory (and farm) at a time.
xo, Kylie