Wow! How did December fly by so quickly? There have been so many things going on in the last few weeks, I suppose I have been spun up in the web of the holiday madness. Here is what the Epperson’s have been up to in recent:
NASHVILLE: It is amazing seeing your Instagram/Podcast/long distance bestie in real life. AH-MAZING! Jordan and I went out on a limb a few months back and booked a long weekend with Whitney and her friends in Nashville. Not knowing what the weekend would have in store for us, we flew in (STL to Nashville is a 42 minute flight!) and met up with the Kansas crew downtown. Lets just say so much fun was had in Nash. We sang, danced, visited, drank and just had an all around good time. Highlights of Nashville: Pedal Tavern was SO FUN, the night life was always hoping, and beers were expensive. Other than that, we just enjoyed an adult weekend away and traveled home with full hearts and new friends.

ON THE FARM: Wouldn’t you think, since we are out of the field, life would slow down on the farm? NOPE, not around here. We attended a meeting put on by our swine vet in Columbia where we networked with other industry members and got to hear an inspirational speech from Coach Ken Carter. If you have never watched the movie Coach Carter, do me a favor, stop reading and go watch it now. Other than the meeting, we have been bust working in the shop, tending to animals and repairing equipment. Not to mention, hauling TONS of grain to the river, hogs to market and rock around our farms. The week before Christmas, our Pioneer dealer treated our team to a fish fry. It was delicious and a great way to celebrate the 2019 seasons completion.
CHRISTMAS: Celebrating Jesus’ birthday is our favorite reason to celebrate! We attended “Midnight Mass” at 8pm (our local Priest covers three parishes) and the kids were exhausted but so quiet and good. We sang and prayed and enjoyed every second together as a family. As for the presents, Santa and festivities, we have a relatively small extended family but have five Christmas events to attend over the two weeks surrounding Christmas. It is busy and we are exhausted after it is all said and done but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Our family, our children are so loved.

The New Year (new decade!) will be amazing because we will make it so. Here is to a blessed New Year for us all!